Monday, January 30, 2012

Remove the Service fingerprint from nmap xml file

sed 's/servicefp=.*" //g' first-pn.xml > f.xml

simply matches the servicefp (including the tag itself) and replaces it with null, globally.
first-pn.xml is the source file, f.xml is the output

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hide users from net user

Cute, apparently you can hide users from the output of "net user" by appending a $ to the name. It still shows up if you look for it explicitly or if you go to control panel.

net user cats$ lolwutcats? /add

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homebrew and pianobar

PromyLOPh pushed a patch today to fix pianobar so it would be compatible with a recent protocol change. Apparently Pandora has changed from using TLS to not using TLS...Well thats all fine and great but I use homebrew for mac to maintain my packages. I wanted my pianobar updated NAOW. so i started looking around...

-First i ran "locate pianobar" to get an idea of where the files were located.
-"/usr/local/Library/Formula/pianobar.rb" caught my eye so i looked into it...
- The ruby file has a few entries in it, but towards the top is this code:
class Pianobar < Formula
url ''
version '2011.12.11'
homepage ''
md5 'c8573c133851ff54649d1ab45c7b855c'

-this obviously looks like where it tells homebrew to download and install the program. so what happens if I change those values to reflect the most current version?
-I opened the ruby file in vim and changed the settings:
class Pianobar < Formula
url ''
version '2012.01.10'
homepage ''
md5 'a703227c079cb0fe20ac4abbdfbc6f08'

-saved, and ran "brew upgrade pianobar"

==> Upgrading pianobar
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> make PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar/pianobar/2012.01.10
==> make install PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar/pianobar/2012.01.10
/usr/local/Cellar/pianobar/2012.01.10: 16 files, 176K, built in 3 seconds

-awwww yeahhhhh now i have my crack back in my spoon.