For example your original function is something like this:
for thing in things: result = haxor_the_thing(thing) print("{} resulted in {}".format(thing,result))
Which is your basic for loop in python, nothing new here. But lets say you ran that for a while and it outputted a couple hundred lines. You don't want to start all over again right? You need to make an edit, so you ctrl-c it, edit it, and also add in this little bit:
count = 0 for thing in things: if count < 243: result = haxor_the_thing(thing) print("{} resulted in {}".format(thing,result)) count += 1
That's it. The "243" is just the number of times it ran and where it should start off again. So what happens here is the script begins, sees the count = 0 and doesnt run the "haxor_the_thing()" function. It won't run it until it sees a value higher than 243, thereby skipping the first 243 entries and restarting the function on the 244th entry.
If I have to cancel it again, I do a quick copy paste of the output, count lines in ST3, and just add "if count < 243 + 534:". This is obviously not the _best_ way to do this, but it sure as hell is fast.
I mean, this may seem obvious to certain people but this makes a person's life much easier.