Monday, October 14, 2013

How to check if an IP from a domain is in a list of IPs

grep $(dig +short file-of-ips.txt
the +short parameter only returns the IP that the resolves to.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Stole this from some forum. just google it and you can find the source.

Frequency Note
0.5 - 1.8 MHz BC Band. AM Radio
1.8 - 30 MHz Shortwave Band.
30 - 78 MHz 6 Meter Ham
76 - 108 MHz FM Radio
108 - 137 MHz Air Band
137 - 174 MHz 144 MHz Ham. 2 Meter
174 - 222 MHz VHF-TV
222 - 225 MHz 222 MHz Ham
225 - 420 MHz General Band 1
420 - 470 MHz 440 MHz Ham. 70 cm.
470 - 800 MHz UHF-TV
800 - 999 MHz General Band 2 Cellular Blocked

50 - 54 MHz
144 - 148 MHz
222 - 225 MHz USA version only
430 - 440 MHz

TX w/ mod
50 - 54 MHz
144 - 148 MHz
148 - 174 MHz MARS/CAP Mod only
222 - 225 MHz USA version only
430 - 440 MHz
440 - 470 MHz MARS/CAP Mod only. FRS/GMRS freq range