After some researching and prodding, there didn't seem to be any way to login over the command line so I was restricted to typing the text at the password prompt. boooooo. I couldn't even copy and paste into the window so I had to manually type every character. I decided to look into GUI automation to see if I could create a script that would automatically click and type for me. I found PyAutoGUI from google and automate the boring stuff and decided to implement it. The script is actually extremely simple:
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 import time import pyautogui import os list = ['password1','password2','password3','...'] count = 0 time.sleep(5) #give you time to click inside the app samsung_drive_cmd = "/Users/USERNAMEHERE/Library/Application\ Support/PortableSSD/Samsung\ Portable\\ Portable\ SSD &" for pwd in list: if count >= 6 * 2: os.system("killall 'Samsung Portable SSD'") os.system(samsung_drive_cmd) count = 0 time.sleep(4) print("Trying %s" % pwd) pyautogui.moveTo(640, 405) #move to text box to enter password pyautogui.typewrite(pwd, interval=0.1) #enter password with .1s wait in between chars pyautogui.moveTo(670, 539) #move to "login" and click count += 2 #every password attempt seems to add 2 seconds internally as a wait counter time.sleep(count)
The if statement inside the for loop kills the app and restarts (at 6 password tries) it so it resets the internal counter of the application. There is no reason to wait 20 seconds to enter the next password when you can just kill the app and start again with a fresh timer in 4 seconds.
In action:
Generate your password list using JTR, format into a list and let it run overnight. You cant really use your computer while this is running.
I changed up my code a little bit to be more reliable, read the password from a file, detect when the password is correct and die at that time. Here is the updated and better code:
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 import time import pyautogui import os import subprocess wordlist = open('wordlist.txt','r') list = count = 0 time.sleep(5) #give you time to click inside the app samsung_drive_cmd = "/Users/USERNAMEHERE/Library/Application\ Support/PortableSSD/Samsung\ Portable\\ Portable\ SSD &" for pwd in list: if count >= 6 * 2: os.system("killall 'Samsung Portable SSD'") os.system(samsung_drive_cmd) count = 0 time.sleep(4) mountlist = subprocess.check_output(["mount"]) if "Samsung_T1" in mountlist: print 'THE DRIVE IS MOUNTED' exit() print("Trying %s" % pwd) pyautogui.moveTo(640, 405) #move to text box to enter password pyautogui.typewrite(pwd, interval=0.1) #enter password with .1s wait in between chars pyautogui.moveTo(670, 539) #move to "login" and click count += 2 #every password attempt seems to add 2 seconds internally as a wait counter time.sleep(count)