Thursday, November 3, 2016

OpenVPN Client Disconnect Notification

So I was configuring a pentest dropbox and hated the fact that you couldn't know if the dropbox connected unless you checked the VPN endpoint. I thought there must be a more automated/better way. Well, it turns out there is.

OpenVPN is fantastic and provides two very handy options: client-connect and client-disconnect. Cut from the OpenVPN manpage:

--client-connect script
Run script on client connection. The script is passed the common name and IP address of the just-authenticated client as environmental variables (see environmental variable section below).
Note that the return value of script is significant. If script returns a non-zero error status, it will cause the client to be disconnected.
Like --client-connect but called on client instance shutdown. Will not be called unless the --client-connect script and plugins (if defined) were previously called on this instance with successful (0) status returns.

So we can run arbitrary scripts whenever a client connects or disconnects. Using Twilio, I can get an SMS text message notifying me that a client called back to the server properly or when a client connection drops (for whatever reason).

This allows me to quickly deploy a dropbox and know if it was a good network spot or not before I even leave the building (and no pulling out laptops either!) It also lets me know if it got unplugged or lost connectivity and exactly when (e.g if it gets discovered).

No Twilio?

Don't have a Twilio account yet? get one. They are fun to experiment with and cost practically nothing. It also allows you to do stupid things like get a webshell over SMS


  1. Configure OpenVPN server to allow user-created scripts to run
  2. Drop the python SMS scripts in /etc/openvpn/
  3. Test/verify the connection

Configure OpenVPN:

Luckily, this is as simple as adding a couple lines to the bottom of the config and restarting the service. Add the following lines to your /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf:

script-security 2
client-connect /etc/openvpn/
client-disconnect /etc/openvpn/

and then do a "service openvpn restart" to reload the config

Drop Python SMS scripts:

With those above config lines, OpenVPN will simply execute whatever those scripts contain whenever a client connects/disconnects. It's extremely important that your connect script has no errors in it. Errors will cause the script to return a non-zero return status and OpenVPN will instantly drop the client connection. The following two scripts are simply pasted into the /etc/openvpn/ directory:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from import TwilioRestClient
import argparse, time, os

#when openvpn calls a script, they populate the shell environment with a variety of details
#about the connection. You can call a script that does "env > /tmp/blah" and then cat it so
clientname = os.environ['common_name']
clientip = os.environ['ifconfig_pool_remote_ip']
timestamp = time.strftime("%x - %X")

def send_sms(message):
  client = TwilioRestClient(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  send_sms("[-]DISCONNECTED - %s from %s at %s" % (clientname, clientip, timestamp))
#!/usr/bin/env python
from import TwilioRestClient
import argparse, time, os

#when openvpn calls a script, they populate the shell environment with a variety of details
#about the connection. You can call a script that does "env > /tmp/blah" and then cat it so
clientname = os.environ['common_name']
clientip = os.environ['ifconfig_pool_remote_ip']
timestamp = time.strftime("%x - %X")

def send_sms(message):
  client = TwilioRestClient(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  send_sms("[+]CONNECTED - %s as %s at %s" % (clientname, clientip, timestamp))

You should obviously change the ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN, to=, and from_= details to your own information.

Test the connection:

You configured the service, restarted the service to take in the new config details, and pasted in the proper scripts. Now is the time to make sure it works. You can either simply connect a client to the VPN and see if it works, or test the scripts manually. The process for manual testing is to enter the following:

cd /etc/openvpn
export common_name=asdf
export ifconfig_pool_remote_ip=qwer

Bam, that should do it. Now disconnect the client and you should get the disconnect text as expected.

     The disconnect script only works when the OpenVPN server detects a disconnect. Which if you are using OpenVPN over UDP, it will wait for the timeout. If possible, run OpenVPN over TCP where if there is a disconnect, a TCP reset will be set and the disconnect script will trigger almost instantly.

TLDR: You get SMS text messages when your dropbox (or really anything) connects/disconnects from your VPN. Really useful for physical pentests.