Thursday, February 23, 2017

Enumerate Leaked AWS API Key Access

Sometimes on a pentest engagement (or from you'll come across some AWS API keys. If you want to know what those keys have access to, I've decided to make a script that runs through various AWS services API endpoints to list access to them. You can do this using the awscli tool but I find it less than ideal to deal with and the JSON you have to parse can be annoying.

So I decided to write a tool since I couldn't find one online. This tool is pretty simple, it simply takes in an access key and secret key often used in configurations and connect scripts. It then goes one by one to each service and queries useful information such as Dynamo DB table names, S3 bucket names and how many objects are in each one.

So for example, let's say during your recon/OSINT phase you discover some AWS API creds exposed on gitleaks or some config file. (The screenshot obviously isn't a client, just a random entry in gitleaks)

You take the "Access Key" and "Secret Key" and pump them into the AWSEnumerator script:
Checking for S3 buckets
  Total # of buckets: 9
    Bucket: bucket1 [8 objects]
    Bucket: bucket2 [1000 objects]
    Bucket: bucket3-dev [1000 objects]
    Bucket: bucket4 [1 objects]
    Bucket: bucket5 [747 objects]
    Bucket: otherbucket [1000 objects]
    Bucket: morebucket [54 objects]
    Bucket: whereismahbucket [26 objects]
    Bucket: ilikefish [95 objects]
Checking for EC2 Instances
  Total # of EC2 Instances: 2
    Instance: t2.nano - 52.570.576.548 - running
    Instance: t2.small - stopped
Checking for Lightsail Instances
  Total # of Lightsail instances: 1
    Name: enumtest1, Username: ubuntu, IP:, State: running
Checking for DynamoDB Tables
  Total # of DynamoDB Tables: 2
    Table Name: tabletest
    Table Name: test2
This information is fantastic for both reporting purposes as well as possibly escalating access or obtaining sensitive information.

Currently, the script supports:
  - EC2 Instances (type, IP, status)
  - S3 Buckets (name, number of objects)
  - Lightsail Instances (name, username, IP, state)
  - DynamoDB (table name)

I am planning on adding support for additional services as time goes on.

The tool can be found at

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